Publications and papers ...
There is no doubt the style and imagery of websites and apps can strengthen or weaken the value of a brand. However, what influence do aspects of functional usability have on brand health?
In this conference paper, Dr John Eklund and Paul Costantoura consider how the functional usability of the screen experience not only influences customer satisfaction and retention, but also has an strong influence on brand perceptions and health.
In 2011 the massive Barangaroo development was largely unknown to the Sydney population, (except hostile local residents) but would change the shape of the Sydney CBD,
We created a research process to explore and anticipate attitudes using geodemographic modelling supported by qualitative insights.
For the first time in Australian history, Climate Change had become a major political issue that established a real point of difference between the major political parties.
This detailed quantitative analysis looks at how it was central to the success of The ALP sweeping John Howard out of office and out of the parliament.
Agile software development has evolved to respond to the pressures of rapid changes in customer expectations and competitor activity.
Incorporating agile usability research in the development cycle puts the customer at the heart of the process and allows clients and developers to make changes to specifications and requirements in response to the reactions of customers.
Dr John Eklund looks at the historical development of agile usability research and shows why it is increasingly relevant to successful software and application development.
Written by Paul Costantoura as a consulting strategic planner to Saatchi & Saatchi, this report was launched by the then Prime Minister and considered a landmark research project into how Australians view the Australian Arts and engage with them.
This 99 page overview provides the key findings as well as the recommended strategies to promote the value of the arts to all Australians.
The full hard cover 414 page book is available for loan from the National Library of Australia for purchase.